Ruby and Sonia


Sonia wasn't the first pet I ever had. I had family pets before her, but Sonia was the cat I had the longest. She grew up with me. 20 years we spent together. I was a year old when we got her, and 21 when she unfortunately passed away due to old age. We got along like siblings, and she was definitely the older sister. It was all before the age of digital photos, so I don't have a lot of pictures of her. I cherish every one I do have, and all the memories I have with her. She was never the cuddly type of cat. She'd been declawed before we got her. I would never condone that barbaric practice, but we didn't have a choice with her. It didn't slow her down though. She went outside and ran the neighborhood, then came home and ran the house. She set the base standard for cats in my life, and my love for black cats. 


Ruby was the only dog I ever owned for more than a month. Before her there were other dogs but one by one they didn't last long unfortunately. None of them lasted long enough to get pictures of. Even though I had Sonia, I really wanted a dog. I would talk, and fantasize, about finding a dog on the way home and just claiming it followed me home. One day when I was about 13 years old I came home around my birthday, to find a large black puppy running around in my backyard. I called my parents and sure enough she was there for me. My own dog! I was so excited. I named her Ruby, and we were inseparable after that. We were active together and played outside all the time. At night she would sleep in my room and guard me from intruders. We were together until 2011. In Texas where we lived at the time, Ruby would chase and play with the yard toads. In 2010 we were forced to move to Florida, and she didn't stop with her habit. The frogs in our Florida back yard however, were poisonous. She didn't make it, but she is never forgotten.