Come on in!

The pages are fresh and the vibes are warm

Art done by Lunna Moth

Welcome to the Moth's Nest: The Author

Lunna Moth is a trans masc author fresh on the scene with his debut novel, Yurei Tales available now! This book is a stand alone YA novel(More on book page) that will kickstart his writing career. Before that he lived a nomadic life exploring the world and learning as much as he could about other countries and ways of life. He has been to Europe, all coasts of The United States, and has plans to go to many other places. The worlds he wanted to bring to life for others to see required years of research and understanding. 

He wanted to bring light to the minorities by featuring as many diverse castings in his stories as possible. He plans to include characters from countless races, ethnic backgrounds, genders, sexualities, mental and physical disabilities, and the like. Despite his own struggles he has not allowed his limitations to keep him from his dreams. There will be many more creations to come.
