
Snoopy and Trevor

Snoopy (The white one) and Trevor (the black and white one) were my grandparents dogs growing up. Snoopy was reserved, and didn't like to be around so he didn't get a lot of pictures taken. Trevor loved to be in everyone's faces and lap. He loved to play and run around and be center of attention. His favorite toy was little rubber ducks that he would carry everywhere with him. They were spoiled little beans for their entire lives, even after my cousin went to live with my grandparents. They lived to be grumpy old men, until they eventually lost the battle to age. 


In all the places and people that I would visit, there was usually a pet or an animal I would see on the streets. This is a collection of those animals I have seen that I have pictures of.  I have been nomadic for nearly a decade and seen many animals in that time, though I haven't been able to capture pictures of all of them. As I continue to travel I will get more and more pictures over time.